Traffic Exchange Strategy - FREE traffic and FREE UPGRADES
Date: November 07, 2023Hello dear friends!
In this article I’m about to show you how to use traffic exchange websites properly and efficiently, in order to get thousands of views to your websites, referral links, splash pages or Co-Op links with minimum effort, while you’ll have some fun too.
If you’re not familiar with traffic exchanges, in short, these are some special websites where you'll visit someone's website and in return, your website will receive a visit from another person. For each website you surf, you get one credit, which means one visit for your website.
Traffic exchange websites are a great way to get free traffic for any type of promotion system in affiliate marketing area, such as referral links, splash pages and Co-Op links.
In order to be able to setup this great traffic exchange plan, you need to use The Food Game. It’s a platform which gamifies the process of surfing. You'll act as a beginner chef which start its journey to become a great master chef. In order to achieve this goal, you must complete some achievements which you'll get by surfing some specific traffic exchange websites. It’s quite fun and effective.
Let’s start! First, you’ll have to join Food Game. If you’re not a member already, join Food Game by clicking the banner below:
After you have completed registration, login into your Food Game account. It should look like this:
You can find a full step by step tutorial at the bottom of "Home" page.
First, Claim your daily gift. Scroll down to the bottom of "Home" page and click "Claim today’s free gift!"
A gift will be awarded to you
Let’s get to work now. Go to "Statistics"
Join the first 6 websites listed in "Top traffic exchange" section. These are the most responsive ones. All of them had a big number of users, from all around the world, which are eager to see and probably join your program. And this fact is very important! You need to show your landing page to real people, in order to get referrals and commissions. As I was saying, here you’ll find the audience you need.
VERY IMPORTANT: use the SAME username and email address in all the traffic exchanges! Also, for registration, use a Gmail address.
This step you’ll have to do it once, after you have joined Food Game. More precisely, you’ll have to setup your Downline Builder. This step is crucial in order for you to be able to use Food Game, respectively to get Food Game rewards while you surf. Also, this step is important because it will fill your Downline Builder, which means if you refer someone to Food Game and he/she will sign up on websites listed in "Top traffic exchange" section, he/she will become your referral in the respective websites. Go to "Participating Sites"
Click "Fill My Downline Builder"
This will automatically fill your referral ID fields, from all the websites you just have joined. Be patient, the process will take several minutes. If somehow some ID fields were not filled, you can complete them manually.
Now, it’s time to start the game. All you have to do is to surf as much pages as you can in all the traffic exchanges you just have joined.
To ease the process, we’ll use a browser extension called Camel Tabs. This will automate the surfing process, by switching tabs each time you click the verification image while surfing. It’s way faster and more efficient than switching tabs manually. Also, this extension is able to collect Food Game badges, which contains all sort of game prizes such as ingredients for your recipes, Cooking Class Tickets, gold and much more.
You can download it HERE.
After you have installed the extension, enable auto-collect prizes for Food Game. In order to do this, click on "Extensions" tab
Click "Camel Tabs"
Click "Default Settings"
And then enable "The Food Game" by clicking on it
Now, every 25 pages surfed, when Food Game badge pops out, Camel Tabs will click it automatically, so you won’t miss any of them.
Camel tabs comes in 2 versions: Free and Paid versions. Free version allows you to surf only 7 websites at the same time, while Paid version allows you to surf unlimited websites. It’s up to you if you want to upgrade to Paid version, but you can achieve great results using Free version too. If fact, in this guide I will use the Free version.
Open all the websites you joined earlier in different tabs. Login on each one of them, submit your website/promotional page/affiliate link (only the first time after registration) and start surfing.
If you need further assistance with setting up the websites, chech out this guide. Is made for Hungry for Hits, but the procedure is similar for all the websites available in Food Game.
Also, besides these 6 websites, I personally use TrafficAdBar too. It’s another great traffic exchange webiste which is not part of Food Game, but you can use it together with Food Game websites. I strongly recommend you to use it too. For further information, check out it’s specific guide here.
Start surfing! Go to the first tab and select the correct verification image. Camel Tabs will switch automatically to the next tab, select the correct verification image and repeat the process until you surf 25 pages. Then, a prize should pop up around the image verification area
But before you should see it, Camel Tabs will automatically click it and collect your prizes consisting in ingredients for your recipes, Cooking Class Tickets, gold and much more.
Now, all you have to do is to keep surfing. I usually use to surf about 500 pages daily. When you reach your daily surf schedule, just close your browser.
Great! You just have completed the surfing process! Now, it’s time to collect all your rewards.
First, let’s see if you have earned some Cooking Class Tickets. This will allow you to learn recipes and also will give you some gold. One of the goals of the game is to complete your Recipe Book by learning all the recipes inside. In order to learn a recipe, you’ll have to take a cooking class. In order to take a cooking class, you’ll need a cooking ticket, which you’ll find while surfing.
Go To "Cooking" section
And then click "Cooking Classes"
There are 2 types of cooking Class Tickets: normal ones, which allow you to learn common recipes and gourmet ones, which allows you to learn rare recipes. For more details you can check Food Game’s Tutorial. If there are some tickets available, click on them
Select your ticket
And voila! You just have learned a recipe!
Now let’s get into some contests. First, let’s take a look at "Special Orders". Every 20 minutes, a certain number of special orders are placed. Depending on how fast you are to prepare a special order, you’ll get a bigger prize. If you deliver a special order first, you’ll get a special prize. In order to deliver a special order, go to "Contests"
And click "Special Orders"
You’ll go to "Special orders" page
If there are any special orders available, click on a special order
It will take you to your Recipe book. If you have learned the required recipe and if you have all the ingredients necessary, it will be available. Click "Prepare"
After you have prepared the special order, click "You complete a special order, take me back to special orders page"
Once you get back to "Special Orders" page, click "Claim prize"
And you’ll get your prize
Another contest is "A La Minute". Again, each 20 minutes, one of the "Premium Partners" website will be the "A La Minute" special
You’ll have to claim 3 badges (surf 75 pages) in less than 20 minutes on that specific website. Once you have completed the task, click "Claim"
And receive your prize
Another contest is "Sweet Sites". For 1000 gold you’ll unlock a sweet site. You’ll have to claim 4 badges (surf 100 pages) in the specific website and you’ll get 5 Gourmet Class Tickets. In order to enter "Sweet Sites" contest, go to "Sweet Sites"
Select and unlock one of them or, if you have enough gold, all of them, and complete the task
After you complete the task, the reward will be assigned automatically to your account.
Another contest is "Smorgasbord challenge". It consists in claiming at least one badge (surf 25 pages) in each "Premium Partners" websites listed in "Participating Sites" section. This will require for you to join all the websites listed in "Premium Partners" section and surf 25 pages on each one of them. When you complete this step, you’ll also be able to collect a prize. In order to collect your prize, go to "Contests"
And then click "Smorgasbord"
And you’ll be able to collect your prizes.
I personally use this contest to complete my missing ingredients list. Of course, the vast majority of ingredients you’ll receive by collecting surf badges, but sometimes there are some ingredients that you require and by surfing you get random ingredients. That’s why I use "Special ingredient" option when I collect my prizes from "Smorgasbord challenge". First, check which ingredients are missing or you are short in your ingredients list. As you can see in this example, I’m short on beans
So, on "Home" page, in "Special ingredient" section, I click "Select"
And then, from ingredients list I select beans as my special ingredient
I go back to "Smorgasbord" page and I select my first claim
And I receive some beans
After that I repeat the process with the rest of my 3 claims. You can do this trick too.
Next, I get my lottery tickets. Each Sunday some prizes are awarded to some lucky players which have bought lottery tickets. In order to do so, at the bottom of "Home" page, click on "Lottery"
According to how many cooking vouchers you have and you are willing to spend, buy some lottery tickets.
Finally, check if you have earned some badges, for various activities you have completed. At the bottom of "Home" page, click on "Badges"
See if there are any badges available. If so, click "Claim" on the specific badge/badges. Another main goal of this game is to collets all the badges.
But the main goal of this game is to collect gold. Why is this gold so important? Because you’ll be able to upgrade your traffic exchange websites with it. Of course, you can use the gold which you have earned here in any ways you want but the secret is to use it to upgrade for FREE in traffic exchanges available in Food Game. In this case in all 6 websites, you joined within "Top traffic exchange" section, at the beginning of this guide. Of course, you may upgrade on which site you want from the list you’ll find in "Partner Shop" section.
In order to do this, go to "Partner Shop"
Search for one of the websites you joined and you want to upgrade. I’ll use as example Hungry for Hits. Type "hungry for hits" in search box and click "Search"
Choose what upgrade option you want and if you have the required amount of gold, just click "Buy" and upgrade your account in that specific website.
And that’s it. That’s how you can get free traffic using traffic exchange websites. For each page you surf, in each traffic exchange from Food Game, you get 0.5 credits. For example, if you surf 500 pages in all 6 websites you have joined you’ll get 1500 free visits to your website/promotional page/affiliate link (6 websites x 500 pages surfed each x 0.5 credits each). And after you’ll upgrade your traffic exchange accounts using gold, you’ll get 1 credit for each page you surf. And if you choose to use TrafficAdBar too, you’ll get another 500 visits, because on TrafficAdBar you’ll get 1 visit for every page you surf. Not to mention if you play all the contests.
And that being said, I wish you good day and good luck!